“My way was the trial-and-error method!”

Professional career

I was born in the Czech Republic and grew up in a time after the communist regime. In 2000, at the age of 19, I started my vocational training as a dental technician. I don’t know what it was like in other former communist countries, but back then it was impossible to get high-quality education as a dental technician in my country. A huge part of what we did in our profession was pure improvisation.

That meant that I mostly learned through trial and error, which proved very arduous at times. I always tried to do everything as well as possible and my method might have seemed rather experimental. That was because I always worked based on intuition, trusting my senses rather than a fixed, pre-existing concept. It was all the more surprising that many colleagues described me as talented. In addition to the very limited vocational training opportunities, we were also highly constrained in terms of materials that were available in the Czech Republic. At that time there was only one ceramic brand and the courses on offer were mainly product training courses offered by manufacturers. Fortunately, I was “headhunted” by a prestigious private dental clinic right after graduating. This new placement presented me with an opportunity to try out many things, to “play” with materials and techniques and to learn a lot.

I followed up with a number of local training courses some of which proved inspiring.

One example includes courses run by Florin Stoboran, which helped things fall into place conceptually and inspired me to introduce a more methodical approach of working. I also completed a state-recognized certification course focusing on dental prosthetics.

The real turning point in my professional career came in 2016 when I attended a course with Sascha Hein from whom I learned the most important basics about light-optical properties of teeth and ceramics. This course was absolutely invaluable because it significantly helped broaden my knowledge and expertise. Sascha has supported me from then onwards and continues to be my mentor and friend to this day.

“Creation ZI-CT –
that was love at ‘first firing’.”

In 2018 I attended a course with Claus-Peter Schulz and had my first opportunity to work with Creation ZI-CT. That was love at “first firing”. The outstanding firing results and the colour stability even after several firings absolutely convinced me. For me it’s incomprehensible when I hear from dental technicians that they produce a crown or bridge in only two firings. My way of working requires multiple bakings and Creation ZI-CT is brilliant because it provides stable shade and shape.

I have been running my own courses for a few years now. My day-to-day practice means dealing with demanding and discerning dentists who constantly present me with complex challenges and keep me on my toes. My course are an excellent opportunity for me to share my experience and help participants rise to their own challenges.

How do you define the term success?

For me as a dental technician, success is being able to follow a career in a profession that fulfils you. In my case, it also means working closely with dentists, assistants and patients. Drawing on my experience, I am convinced that it’s often the little invisible details that make a difference and lead to great results.

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What inspires and motivates you? What drives you?

I’m inspired by nature in general. But let us be realistic. The most we can do is to create a restoration which imitates the natural model and its function. I’m competitive by nature so when I see outstanding dental work, I want to achieve the same level. In a nutshell, I ultimately find source of inspiration in the work of great dental technicians.

How did you become the person and the dental technician you are today?

As I said before, I define myself through hard work and continuous learning.
Success doesn’t come easy, you have to work for it! Even if it doesn’t sound very sexy, my success is built on sweat, tears and blood.

Is there that one case that challenged you most as a dental technician?

There is no such thing as “personal best case”. Many great cases I worked on were undocumented in the end but there are a lot of impressive cases which, although not the hardest, look nice as a whole.

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Which recommendation would you give young dental technicians?

To work as a dental technician is an amazing craftmanship where we create real values. It is a beautiful combination of technology and art. Everyone can express oneself individually and put emotions into one’s creations. If your job is your hobby, it’s a big win and this is true for me. I am convinced that this would be the path for others too.

Is there anything else you would like to get rid of? A piece of advice, an experience or a look forwards?

This is very personal and individual but there are three qualities that make me the person I am today: discipline, knowledge and passion!

If you want to find out more about me and my work, please connect with me on Facebook.

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Veneering Composite

Due to its high filler content, composite is a material that can bear comparison with dental ceramic with regard to durability and aesthetic performance; in some respects, for example the opalescence, it is even far superior.

Creation VC impresses with its outstanding aesthetics, its functionality and with its versatile, flexible use.

Similar to the Creation porcelains, VC offers very opaque, colour intensive dentines and opaque dentines which can be combined with the various enamel, effect and transpa materials to achieve natural looking veneers even with thin layers. And as Creation VC is available in the variants Paste and Flow, it offers a huge playground of processing techniques.